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In my work, I seek to explore and capture movement and vitality through structures and lines, whether it’s through structural elements represented in my photographic work, or through the movement and texture of brush strokes in my paintings.

What is movement? How much of a movement can one capture in a picture? And can there be movement and life in seemingly inert things? These are questions I pose myself in my work.  

I’m also interested in the Western world’s collective references and consciousness, the way popular culture form our ways of seeing and understanding ourselves and our surroundings. I like to incorporate elements of these references, this collective and unconscious «language», in my paintings and photos, and play with them, use them as a kind of representational «filter».

What happens with the viewer’s interpretation and understanding of my work when confronted with this? What do the viewers read into the work, and why?


And how can one express complexity and depth through seemingly simple and easily accessible motives?

I am also fascinated by the dicothomies living/dead, natural/artificial, human/animalistic and how these dicothomies reflect our cultural heritage, our collective social and cultural standards and way of structuring our life, surroundings and existence. I seek to challenge these representations through my work, engage the viewer, make him question his own way of understanding the world. 

      Heidi Bloin artist, photographer and painter
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